Feeling called to get involved? Want to make a difference? Check out the many opportunities here at the
Newman Center!
Lectors, altar servers, sacristans, hospitality and music ministries assist in bringing the liturgy to the people.
Help to create a welcoming environment for all visitors
- Peter
Responsible for material preparations for all liturgical services.
Provide refreshments for after-Mass fellowship on Sundays.
To learn more or volunteer, click here.
Do you have a heart to help those in need? Join us for community service projects! Reach out to us here.
Empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
Come check out Colorado Council #17953!
Every Thursday evening during the academic year, the Newman Center hosts dinner for our students immediately after Mass, at which they get to socialize and unwind—it’s a high point of the week for many.
If you and/or your parish or group would like to provide a Thursday evening meal during the semester, please email or call/text Gretchen for details.
If your college or university has a Catholic club, join it! If not, start one…we’d be glad to help.
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS)
This Roman Catholic Community is dedicated to helping students live authentic Catholic lives on campus. Come join us for Sunday Mass, daily Mass and adoration, weekly Bible studies, community dinners, community service opportunities, and social events.
If you are a college student who needs to complete an internship to satisfy degree requirements, and you would like to intern at the Newman Center, please send us a proposal, or schedule a time to come discuss it with us.
Are you a Scout looking for a service project?
Are you a high school student in need of service hours?
Let’s match up what we need with what you can do!
We are looking for assistance with administrative and office duties, facilities management, data entry, visual arts, social media engagement, decorating and much, much more. Whatever your talents or interests, we can use your help!